GUDDOG Dog Supplements

Doggy Diets Series Pt 2 - Raw diet

Doggy Diets Series Pt 2 - Raw diet

Did you know that the domestic dog is a descendant of the wolf? Hard to picture this while looking at your baby, belly up on the couch!

This is the premise of the raw diet - that dogs are genetically predisposed to eat a diet of mainly animal proteins, with raw fruits and veggies in it. I like to think of this as Doggy Paleo- eat as their ancestors ate!

Of course, as dogs were domesticated, they evolved and changed. So, are they really as connected to wolves as this diet says? 

The raw diet is a point of contention for many dog health professionals. In our last discussion, we used the word “complete” about kibble dog food. This word is a large part of the argument around raw diets, as it is tougher to ensure your dog meets its nutritional needs on a raw diet. 

But. Anyone who has had their dog on one, will likely tell you it’s the best their dog has ever been and they would never put them back on a kibble diet.

So here are some of the basics when you are looking for a good raw food provider - I wouldn’t recommend doing it yourself.

It should mostly be made up of lean muscle meat - Minced thighs and breast, tenderloin, shoulder, loin, rib meat

10-15% bone and cartilage - wings, neck, tailbones. This is to ensure your dog gets enough calcium and to make sure they aren’t only eating phosphorus rich meat. It also helps with digestion and stool formation

10% organ meat. Think of this as a natural multivitamin as these parts of the animals are nutritionally very dense.

Fruit and veg should be included. Preferably not starchy veg. Meat does not contain fiber, so dogs need veg to feed their large intestines bacteria and to help remove their waste from their body.

Grain free

Keep their diets varied - include many different types of meat and veggies as well as including fish weekly if possible.


Marked improvement in most dogs with weight, coat and bowel movements 

They LOVE it


Dangerous bacteria and issues around raw meat being in the house. Cooking meat kills off a lot of very dangerous bacteria. 

Please use a company that does this. I know there are some die-hard raw feeders out there - if that's you, cool - but for first timers, I would suggest going through a reputable company so they can ensure the safety of your dog and your family.

The environment - pet food makes up a huge portion of livestock usage. There is no way around it. One of the good things about a raw diet is that it does use most of the animal, unlike human consumption where prime cuts are preferred 

It is hard to find organic raw food providers and animals are pumped full of antibiotics and medications, often stored in the offal of the animal.

Ultimately, what you feed your dog is your choice. It is important to understand how a raw diet could both benefit and harm your dog. If you are transitioning your dog on to a raw diet and want some help, get in touch on insta @guddoglife

 Love and Licks,

Charley, Shuga, Basil and the Guddog gangl  xx